Rooi Ivoor Boerdery word sedert 2006 op 9 000 hektaar in die Maastroom omgewing bedryf.

Ons spesialiseer in die teel van skaarswild sowel as gewone wild en streef daarna om kwaliteit diere met ‘n sterk gene poel aan te bied vir verkoop en teel doeleindes.


Ons teel met Oos Afrika buffels en ons twee teelbulle is Herculus met ‘n horingwydte van 46 duim en Rambo wat nog ‘n jong bul is spog alreeds met ‘n horingwydte van 43 duim.

Ons Swartwitpens kuddes bestaan uit suiwer Zambiese bulle, koeie en verse sowel as Swartwitpens bulle en kruis Zambiese koeie.

Ons teel met Roans (Baster Gemsbokke) wat almal DNA getoets is. Verder ook met Tsessebes, Njalas. 


Twee plase grens aan die Magalawenarivier waar lusern en mielies verbou word.

Sedert 2008 maak ons pille vir eie gebruik en as gevolg van 'n groot aanvraag van mede wild- en veeboere sowel as plaaslike koöperasies is die pilaanleg aansienlik vergroot en verbeter om op groot skaal kwaliteit pille aan die mark te voorsien. Kontak ons gerus indien u meer wil weet van ons wild en vee pille wat ons produseer.

Rooi Ivoor/Red Ivory Farming strives continuously to increase the quality and specialise in the breeding of scarce and ordinary game.

We aim to provide quality animals with a strong gene pool for selling and breeding purposes. 

Rooi Ivoor/Red Ivory Farming, covering 9000 hectares, has been in operation in the Maastroom vicinity since 2006.

We breed with East African buffalo and our two breed bulls are Hercules – with a horn width of 46 inches – and Rambo, a young bull who already boasts a horn width of 43 inches. 

Our Sable Antelope (Swartwitpens) herd consists of pure Zambian bulls, cows and heifers as well as Sable Antelope bulls and cross-bred Zambian cows.  We also breed with Roans (half-bred Gemsbuck) which are all DNA tested.  Furthermore, our herd includes Tsessebes, Njalas. 

Two farms are adjacent to the Magalawena River where lucerne and corn are cultivated. 

Since 2008 we make use of our own pellets and owing to the huge demand for these for our own use as well as from fellow game and livestock farmers and local agricultural cooperatives, we have expanded our pellet plant significantly.  We are therefore able to provide good quality pellets to the market on a large scale. Please contact us us should you wish to obtain more information about our pellet products for game and livestock.